These things we understand by faith. Their faith in God, refusing to worship the golden image, exposed them to the fiery furnace which Nebuchadnezzar had prepared for them, and their faith engaged for them that power and presence of God in the furnace which quenched the violence of the fire, so that not so much as the smell thereof passed on them. In the story of Jephthah observe, (1.) She had gone out of the way of her duty through unbelief, in putting Abraham upon taking Hagar to his bed, that he might have a posterity. The energy of faith ( Hebrews 11:23-40 ) Hebrews 11:1-7. Vui lng xc nhn t Zoiper to cuc gi! This is one of the first instances that is upon record of fallen men going in to worship God; and it was a wonder of mercy that all intercourse between God and man was not cut off by the fall. 2. ( Calvins Commentaries, Vol.XVIII/1, p.203) God revealed himself to Samuel when he was but a child, and continued to do so till his death. For, [1.] They were not afraid of the king's commandment, Exod 1 22. Now a true and strong faith was very requisite for the right discharge of such an office as this. By it he, being dead, yet speaketh. 2. I. What Abel did by faith: He offered up a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, a more full and perfect sacrifice, pleiona thysian. They grew valiant in fight. Babylon is depicted as a strong city, but one under Gods judgment. This was an effectual call, by which he was converted from the idolatry of his father's house, Gen 12 1. The prevalency of their faith over their fear. They obtained an interest in the promises, though not the full possession of them. That he walked with God, that is, that he was really, eminently, actively, progressively, and perseveringly religious in his conformity to God, communion with God, and complacency in God. Aug 3, 1997. The influence this had upon his present conversation: it was a support to him under all the trials of his sojourning state, helped him patiently to bear all the inconveniences of it, and actively to discharge all the duties of it, persevering therein unto the end. God can and will in his own time and way cause all the powerful opposition that is made to his interest and glory to fall down, and the grace of faith is mighty through God for the pulling down of strong-holds; he will make Babylon fall before the faith of his people, and, when he has some great thing to do for them, he raises up great and strong faith in them. hebrews nkjv ponder bibleversestogo thepreachersword alicia 125th (3.) That was a wicked and a cruel edict, that all the males of the Israelites should be destroyed in their infancy, and so the name of Israel must be destroyed out of the earth. There you will find every word was a trial: "Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah, and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. Believing and praying commanders, at the head of believing and praying armies, have been so owned and honoured of God that nothing could stand before them. They were persuaded of them, that they were true and should be fulfilled. The grace of God often finds out, and fastens upon, the most undeserving and ill-deserving persons, to do great things for them and by them. Such sufferings as these they endured then for their faith; and such they endured through the power of the grace of faith: and which shall we most admire, the wickedness of human nature, that is capable of perpetrating such cruelties on fellow creatures, or the excellency of divine grace, that is able to bear up the faithful under such cruelties, and to carry them safely through all? 2. Samson, another instrument that God raised up to deliver Israel from the Philistines: his story we have in Judges 13., 14., 15., and 16., and from it we learn that the grace of faith is the strength of the soul for great service. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. Here observe, 1. Read the account of it, Gen 22 2. unseen hebrews assurance [2.] WebAt first, the fault may not be very great; next it becomes habitual, and at length, after that conscience has been laid asleep, he who has accustomed himself to despise God will think nothing unlawful for him, but will dare to commit the greatest wickedness. WebFaith in Action. The faith of Joseph, v. 22. How could law-keeping under the Old Covenant be superior to faith in Christ through the New Covenant if no Old Testament saint was ever declared righteous because of 3. The heavenly state will be most perfect of all; for there all the promises will have their full accomplishment. They are: Acts, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Hebrews and James, 1 and 2 It is a reward suitable to the price paid for itthe blood of Christ; suitable to the perfections of God, and fully answering to all his promises. Faith and hope go together; and the same things that are the object of our hope are the object of our faith. Those who by faith walk with God in a sinful world are pleasing to him, and he will give them marks of his favour, and put honour upon them. Twice Moses forsook Egypt: [1.] Rebecca and Jacob are not to be justified in the indirect means they used to obtain this blessing, but God will be justified in overruling even the sins of men to serve the purposes of his glory. Secondly, All true believers desire this better country. (2.) Observe, 1. i. , By faith Joseph, when dying, made mention of the departing. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. The promise of a posterity, and of the Messiah, must either be fulfilled by means of this son or not at all; so that, besides his most tender affection to this his son, all his expectations were bound up in him, and, if he perished, must perish with him. This persuasion gives the soul to enjoy those things now; it gives them a of His righteousness was relative, resulting from his adoption, through faith in the promised seed. 12 And so a whole nation came from this one man who was as good as deada nation with so many people that, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore, there is no way to count them. She engaged them to covenant with her to show favour to her and hers, when God should show kindness to them, and that they would give her a sign, which they did, a line of scarlet, which she was to hang forth out of the window; she sent them away with prudent and friendly advice. WebHebrews 11:22. Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). His first appearance on the stage of the world was a great evidence of his faith. And it is pleasant to see parents and children sojourning together in this world as heirs of the heavenly inheritance. [2.] Israel's danger was very great; an enraged enemy with chariots and horsemen behind them; steep rocks and mountains on either hand, and the Red Sea before them. This call, though it was a very trying call, was the call of God, and therefore a sufficient ground for faith and rule of obedience. 11 Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised. Suffering is to be chosen rather than sin, there being more evil in the least sin than there can be in the greatest suffering. 2. The author of Hebrews continues to show in our text (9:11-14) that Christ came as a high priest of the good things that have come.. A definition or description of the grace of faith in two parts. 5. He calls himself so: I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob; he gives them leave to call him so; and he gives them the spirit of adoption, to enable them to cry, Abba, Father. It does not appear that he had any expectation of being countermanded, and prevented from offering up his son; such an expectation would have spoiled the trial, and consequently the triumph, of his faith; but he knew that God was able to raise him from the dead, and he believed that God would do so, since such great things depended upon his son, which must have failed if Isaac had not a further life. Jeremiah 18:1-11; Jeremiah 35 Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection: 36 And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment: 37 They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; 38 (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. 30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were compassed about seven days. 23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment. It is the evidence of things not seen. They cared not to engage much in it. (1.) little thinking that he was to be the lamb; but Abraham knew it, and yet he went on with the great design. It raised him above the fear of the king's wrath. So did the widow of Zarepath (1 Kings 17 23), and the Shunamite, 2 Kings 4 36. That, after the fall, God opened a new way for the children of men to return to him in religious worship. This true faith makes sin bitter to the soul, even while it receives the pardon and atonement. He obtained a great victory by his faith over all the host of Sisera. (2.) (2.) 'to the Hebrews') is one of the books of the New Testament. 5. The righteous are not worthy to live in the world, and God declares the world is not worthy of them; and, though they widely differ in their judgment, they agree in this, that it is not fit that good men should have their rest in this world; and therefore God receives them out of it, to that world that is suitable to them, and yet far beyond the merit of all their services and sufferings. The trial and exercise of Abraham's faith; he was tried indeed. See how Moses weighed matters: in one scale he put the worst of religionthe reproaches of Christ, in the other scale the best of the worldthe treasures of Egypt; and in his judgment, directed by faith, the worst of religion weighed down the best of the world. He gave commandment concerning his bones, that they should preserve them unburied in Egypt, till God should deliver them out of that house of bondage, and that then they should carry his bones along with them into Canaan and deposit them there. It is not owing to our inherent righteousness or best performances that we are saved from the wrath of God, but to the blood of Christ and his imputed righteousness. Jeremiah 11:18-20; Jeremiah 14 Commentary. God often gives his people living comforts in dying moments; and when he does it is their duty, as they can, to communicate them to those about them, for the glory of God, for the honour of religion, and for the good of their brethren and friends. III. 3. Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28; Jeremiah 8 Commentary. Plug in, Turn on and Be Enlightened! Proud member They quenched the violence of the fire, v. 34. By faith Joseph, when he died. This opened a way for the return of Abraham's posterity into the land of promise. There is no despair in hope. Since believers have a confident hope, they will share with certainty the hope they have in Christ. The believer's faith endures to the end, and, in dying, gives him victory over death and all his deadly enemies; his greatest conquest he gains by dying. We hold this in the face of difficulties, doubts, and discouragements. IV. Free shipping for many products! In this place (and in Gen 5 22, etc.) His faith influenced his practice. VII. Hereby himself and his house were saved, when a whole world of sinners were perishing about them. They escaped the edge of the sword. As, (1.) God saved his family for his sake; it was well for them that they were Noah's sons and daughters; it was well for those women that they married into Noah's family; perhaps they might have married to great estates in other families, but then they would have been drowned. 1. Gideon is directed to offer sacrifice, and, instructed in his duty, goes forth against the Midianites, when his army is reduced from thirty-two thousand to three hundred; yet by these, with their lamps and pitchers, God put the whole army of the Midianites to confusion and ruin: and the same faith that gave Gideon so much courage and honour enabled him to act with great meekness and modesty towards his brethren afterwards. For there is nothing in this world commensurate to the love of God in being the God of his people; and, if God neither could nor would give his people anything better than this world affords, he would be ashamed to be called their God. Faith has its greatest work to do at last, to help believers to finish well, to die to the Lord, so as to honour him, by patience, hope, and joyso as to leave a witness behind them of the truth of God's word and the excellency of his ways, for the conviction and establishment of all who attend them in their dying moments. Their acknowledgment of this their condition: they were not ashamed to own it; both their lips and their lives confessed their present condition. 1. 4 By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. Their old friends would have been glad to receive them. This secret warning he was to communicate to the world, who would be sure to despise both him and his message. [1.] 3. [2.] This the apostle insists upon to render the faith more illustrious, and to provoke Christians to a holy jealousy and emulation; that they should not suffer themselves to be outdone in the exercise of faith by those who came so short of them in all the helps and advantages for believing. The actings of Abraham's faith in so great a trial: he obeyed; he offered up Isaac; he intentionally gave him up by his submissive soul to God, and was ready to have done it actually, according to the command of God; he went as far in it as to the very critical moment, and would have gone through with it if God had not prevented him. (4.) Hebrews 11:35-36 Commentary. The God with whom we have to do is an invisible God: he is so to our senses, to the eye of the body; and this shows the folly of those who pretend to make images of God, whom no man hath seen, nor can see. The gospel state is more perfect than the patriarchal, because more of the promises are now fulfilled. The leading instance and example of faith here recorded is that of Abel. All the saints are heirs of the same promise. IV. Faith is not a force upon the understanding, but a friend and a help to it. Faith in regard to creation and salvation ( Hebrews 11:1-7 ) 2. This is unfortunate, since 2. It is not seniority of birth, but grace, that makes men truly honourable. 15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. 1. What is here reported of him. (5.) The account of this we have in Exod 12 13-23. He contrived the model; he accordingly made it, and he has laid open a new and living way into it, and prepared it for his people; he puts them into possession of it, prefers them in it, and is himself the substance and felicity of it. 1. The reasons of their thus acting. (1.) WebHebrews 11:21-24. [3.] Take thy son, not one of thy beasts or slaves, thy only son by Sarah, Isaac thy laughter, the child of thy joy and delight, whom thou lovest as thine own soul; take him away to a distant place, three days' journey, the land of Moriah; do not only leave him there, but offer him for a burnt offering." [3.] Learn here, (1.) Among the noble army of believing worthies, bravely marshalled by the apostle, Rahab comes in the rear, to show that God is no respecter of persons. By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones. ( Exo 2:110; 12:3151 ) Tools Heb 11:23 By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child; and they were not afraid of the king's commandment. The ground of Abraham's faith, the call and promise of God, v. 8. Observe. Hebrews 12:1. He was sold into Egypt. That faith held out to the last. 3. [2.] Here we may observe, (1.) ), here observe. He was willing to take his lot with the people of God here, though it was a suffering lot, that he might have his portion with them hereafter, rather than to enjoy all the sensual sinful pleasures of Pharaoh's court, which would be but for a season, and would then be punished with everlasting misery. WebTimothy, Titus, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter & Jude, 1-3 John, Revelation 1-11, and Revelation 12-22. He is the prime example of persistence by faith. Abraham saw Christ's day, when it was afar off, and rejoiced, John 8 56. 5. Now, to entitle them to this distinguishing favour, and to mark them out for it, a lamb must be slain; the blood of it must be sprinkled with a bunch of hyssop upon the lintel of the door, and on the two side-posts; the flesh of the lamb must be roasted with fire; and it must be all of it eaten that very night with bitter herbs, in a travelling posture, their loins girt, their shoes on their feet, and their staff in their hand. And it is the same grace of faith that from spiritual weakness helps men to recover and renew their strength. 3. This country they seek: their designs are for it; their desires are after it; their discourse is about it; they diligently endeavour to clear up their title to it, to have their temper suited to it, to have their conversation in it, and to come to the enjoyment of it. [4.] (6.) For their spiritual birth is thence, there are their best relations, and there is their inheritance. He is called their God. A greater trial was never put upon any creature. 8. The book of Revelation fleshes out that idea more fully. Scripture: Hebrews 11:3912:2. By faith Abraham - The apostle had stated one strong instance of the faith of Abraham, and he now refers to one still more remarkable - the strongest There is something very convincing in a life of strict holiness and regard to God; it commends itself to every man's conscience in the sight of God, and they are judged by it. The same faith enabled him to bear patiently the ungrateful malice of Saul and his favourites, and to wait till God should put him into possession of the promised power and dignity. And here also we consider. (3.) He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. Bible Study Tools Language That he would go as far with his people as he could, though he could not go as far as he would. Note, (1.) True faith draws forth sincere and fervent desires; and the stronger faith is the more fervent those desires will be. That, if our persons and offerings be accepted, it must be through faith in the Messiah. The patience of faith ( Hebrews 11:8-22 ) 3. The actings of her faith. It is a great privilege to be the offspring of good parents, and often the wicked children of good parents fare the better in this world for their parents' sake, for things present are in the covenant; but they are not the best things, and no man knoweth love or hatred by having or wanting such things. Those with whom they sojourned would have been willing enough to part with them. This is thought to refer to that memorable story, 2 Macc. Faith is a suitable and excellent qualification of those who fight in the ways of the Lord; it makes them just, bold, and wise. The difference is observable in their persons: Abel was an upright person, a righteous man, a true believer; Cain was a formalist, had not a principle of special grace. (2.) 1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22; Jeremiah 15 Commentary. [3.] A true believer is desirous, not only to be in covenant with God, but in communion with the people of God, and is willing to cast in his lot with them, and to fare as they fare. The belief of this will carry us through the greatest difficulties and trials that we can meet with. WebBarnes' Notes on the Bible. (2.) This was a frontier town in the land of Canaan, the first that stood out against the Israelites. They knew the way. The powerful success of the prescribed means. Hebrews 12:1 Commentary. Christ is that Lamb, he is our Passover, he was sacrificed for us. The grace of faith, wherever it is, will put men upon acknowledging God in all their ways (ch. They obtained promises, both general and special. (3.) [4.] 2. (2.) Here consider. Here a tapestry is unfolded, depict What is faith? Liberated for Love by Looking to the Reward. She believed[ b] that God would keep his promise. The faith of parents often procures blessings for their posterity. 2. The apostle next proceeds to. In context clearly it was the fear that might rise up in his mind when face with the wrath of the king ( Ex 10:28, 29 ). Thus Christ had compassion on the widow of Nain, Luke 7 12, etc. It is our duty to be reasoning down our doubts and fears, by the consideration of the almighty power of God. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good report. By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks. 22 By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the burial of his bones. What they obtained by their faith. The riches and honours of Joseph, as they could not secure him from death, so they did not make him unmindful of it; nor was he XIII. In this faith of Moses's parents there was a mixture of unbelief, but God was pleased to overlook it. So should we all do. 3. 39 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: 40 God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect. He lived by faith, and he died by faith and in faith. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. WebHere begin instances of this Divine faith after the flood from Abraham to Mosess time, Hebrews 11:8-22. That acceptance with God is a peculiar and distinguishing favour. God is able to raise the dead, to raise dead bodies, and to raise dead souls. WebHebrews 11:20-22 Commentary. Faith has a clear and a strong eye, and can see promised mercies at a great distance. It is faith that gives us an interest in the promises; it is by faith that we have the comfort of the promises; and it is by faith that we are prepared to wait for the promises, and in due time to receive them. . Few ever met with greater trials, and few ever discovered a more lively faith. This should have been a rule to him all along, but he was rather swayed by natural affection, and by general custom, which gives the double portion of honour, affection, and advantage, to the first-born. 4. The principle upon which his faith acted in these his motions: He endured, as seeing him that was invisible. 2. WebHis faith, as Joseph's (Heb 11:22), consisted in his so confidentially anticipating the fulfilment of God's promise of Canaan to his descendants, as to desire to be buried there as his They had a title to the promises, though they received not the great things promised. It begins with Abel, one of the first saints, and the first martyr for religion, of all the sons of Adam, one who lived by faith, and died for it, and therefore a fit pattern for the Hebrews to imitate. 13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Observe, [1.] 28 Through faith he kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them. It is a greater honour and happiness to work righteousness than to work miracles; faith is an active principle of universal righteousness. 2. (2.) From bodily weakness; thus Hezekiah, believing the word of God, recovered out of a mortal distemper, and he ascribed his recovery to the promise and power of God (Isa 38 15, 16), What shall I say? 22 By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the True faith will show itself in good works, especially towards the people of God. (3.) WebHebrews 11, Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible, One of over 125 Bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by the leading authority in the Church of Christ, Faith sets to its seal that God is true, and thereby settles and satisfies the soul. The energy of faith ( Hebrews 11:23-40 ) Hebrews 11:1-7. Observe, Though the grace of faith is of universal use throughout our whole lives, yet it is especially so when we come to die. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him Learn more about Desiring God It is observable in their principles: Abel acted under the power of faith; Cain only from the force of education, or natural conscience. Combined Bible Commentary. Aliquam sollicitudin venenati, Cho php file: *.doc; *.docx; *.jpg; *.png; *.jpeg; *.gif; *.xlsx; *.xls; *.csv; *.txt; *.pdf; *.ppt; *.pptx ( < 25MB), (3.) Believers may and ought to have respect to this recompense of reward; they should acquaint themselves with it, approve of it, and live in the daily and delightful expectation of it. He chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, v. 25. They wrought righteousness, both in their public and personal capacities; they turned many from idolatry to the ways of righteousness; they believed God, and it was imputed to them for righteousness; they walked and acted righteously towards God and man. There will always be a difference between those who worship the true God; some will compass him about with lies, others will be faithful with the saints; some, like the Pharisee, will lean to their own righteousness; others, like the publican, will confess their sin, and cast themselves upon the mercy of God in Christ. (1.) [2.] We have here one of the first acts and articles of faith, which has a great influence on all the rest, and which is common to all believers in every age and part of the world, namely, the creation of the worlds by the word of God, not out of pre-existent matter, but out of nothing, v. 3. Those who forsook Egypt must expect the wrath of men; but they need not fear it, for they are under the conduct of that God who is able to make the wrath of man to praise him, and restrain the remainder of it. What she did by her faith: She received the spies in peace, the men that Joshua had sent to spy out Jericho, Josh 2 6, 7. 3. 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